March 2005 – Scratches and material deposits on the deceleration tube. The scratches were caused by motion of the collector tube.
The material deposits were caused by voltage breakdown along the Teflon insulator which supports the collector tube. The tube was cleaned with Alcohol.
Macrh 2005 – Damage to the Wiggler magnets (at its entrance) by interception of part of the e-beam
March 2005 - Damage to the Resonator
May 2007 - Damage to the 450 mirror (in the resonator) caused by e-beam interception
May 2007 - Damage to the grids caused by e-beam interception
Visit of Minister of Science, Culture and Sport - Mr. Raleb Magadele and Minister of Pensioner Affairs - Mr. Rafi Eitan April 1, 2008
Prof. Avi Gover delivers the FEL prize key-note speech on Aug. 2006 in Berlin, Germany.
He dedicates the lecture to the memory of the Pietrowski couple, the polish peasants who saved the life of his parents during the Holocaust.
Elevation of Prof. Avi Gover to IEEE Fellow - January 1, 2008
Elevation of Prof. Avi Gover to Fellow of the APS - November 18, 2007